Purification or Detoxification is a normal process in the body that is accomplished everyday by the liver, skin and other organs. Detox removes natural toxins produced by the body when processing food and energy everyday. Some of this process is started in the cells throughout the body and some of the process is accomplished only in the liver.
100 years ago, the body was not subjected to many of the chemicals used today. There are over 80,000 chemicals registered for use today: in cosmetics, cleaners, pesticides, preservatives, food additives, manufacturing; all contribute to the burden on the body’s natural detox process.
The Liver
The liver needs a large quantity and numerous different antioxidants to build substances to help detox and remove toxins from the body. One such substance is glutathione, a super antioxidant that is built out of glutamine, glycine, and cysteine, which are amino acids, and many antioxidants all strung together.
One Process
Glutathione attaches to toxins directly and processes them to be removed through the normal pathways (kidneys or intestines). To build this super antioxidant the stomach must digest proteins, the intestines absorb Vitamins C, A, E, sulfur and methyl groups, and deliver them to the liver.
Some of these nutrients are blocked by certain foods/beverages and hence, the reason they are eliminated from the diet, to help the body purify.
Some of these nutrients need other co-factors in order to “attach” properly so many foods are providing main ingredients, while others are providing supporting co-factors.
Other Processes
Glutathione is one pathway, but the body uses several pathways to eliminate all of the chemicals that it can from the body. Every process requires nutrients and energy to disable the chemical so it cannot harm the body, and energy to force it out of the body.
One Degree of Change
Small changes on a monthly basis adopted permanently can provide the body the nutrients it needs to accomplish purification.
Why do I need Purification?
Toxins can contribute to a wide range of symptoms including:
Fatigue, difficulty sleeping, stuffy or foggy head, indigestion, difficulty with digestion, gas, food cravings, weight gain, low libido, low mental clarity, joint discomfort, skin issues, and others. Purification supports the liver and organs in their natural process to eliminate toxins.
All of these suggestions are for diet only, not to be taken as supplements unless directed by your doctor. As always, talk to your doctor before making sudden changes to your diet or exercise plan.
Start here Steps 1 & 2
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