Welcome to our website! We are a Concierge Chiropractic and Wellness Center

We accept all automobile insurances. We do not bill Medicare or Medicaid

Fast, effective pain relief of injuries using up-to-date technology and old school customer service

Introductory 1st Visit is Always $40 for 1 hour massage in the office (reg $90)

*First visit starts at $190 and up, not including X-rays.* We have included information below about the different services offered in our Longwood chiropractic office. We offer Functional Medicine, Adjustments, Massage, Weight Loss, Exercises, Lifestyle Consultation, Auto Accident Injury, and Postural Analysis.
Photo courtesy of Ambro by Freedigitalphotos.netAdjustments

Spinal Adjustments

Chiropractic services are provided on a case-by-case basis. Every patient will be individually evaluated and the Doctor and patient will jointly determine what the best course of action is to take. During the evaluation, chiropractors attempt to determine the origin of the problem, not just the symptoms, so many questions are asked about lifestyle and stress levels. Chiropractors pay close attention to the spine and any misalignments of the vertebrae that protect the spinal cord.
Misalignments are referred to as “subluxations” and can cause “kinks” in the nervous systems communication. This communication problem is often the origin of the pain and these subluxations can cause many problems in the body. Pain killers can function as temporary panaceas, but the underlying neurological issues — how the brain communicates bodily functions to other parts of the body — can remain. Chiropractic treats the underlying causes of pain and provides longer lasting, natural methods of healing. Adjustments start at $44 per visit, ask for a free consultation for information on what exams are necessary (starting at $45 per visit).
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Corrective Exercises

At Natural Wellness and Chiropractic, Inc., we educate our patients to engage in special exercises that strengthen connective tissues and keep the skeleton aligned. These therapies can help strengthen and correct the imbalances in the body which may be causing pain. Many of these corrective exercises can be performed in the comfort of your own home with minimal equipment to help improve the effectiveness of your chiropractic care. The more faithfully the exercises are performed, the less chiropractic care is needed and balance is achieved more rapidly. Patients that have properly exercised have reported greatly reduced back and neck pain, and fewer headaches. Rehabilitation starts at $80 for 15 minutes
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Lifestyle Advice

Many patients specifically seek out Dr. Johnson to alleviate their pain. While she will address each condition with chiropractic care, we often find it helpful to “coach” our patients towards achieving a healthier lifestyle. For example, there may be certain activities that you should avoid or do differently to prevent yourself from unintentionally aggravating your particular pain. The goal of incorporating lifestyle advice with a chiropractic care plan is essential to maximizing one’s health. We recognize that every single one of our patients is a whole person, and we use our expertise to help them reach total health and wellness. Lifestyle Advice starts at $80 for 15 minutes.
Photo courtesy of Ambro by freedigitalphotos.net

Weight Loss Counseling

What does nutrition have to do with chiropractic care? The focus of chiropractic care is to help patients achieve wellness and balance, mind, body, and soul. To achieve this, in part, we provide recommendations on nutritional supplements and healthy food choices. With experience in health counseling, we can help patients on their path to optimum health. Many patients ask about which vitamins they should be taking or are these herbs good for them. As always the first question is what are you eating, taking and medicated with currently. There are drug interactions with herbs and supplements and some should not be taken together. At our Longwood chiropractic clinic, we can provide each patient with a structured program that is based on their individual needs. While suggestions are part of a normal adjustment, a full detailed lifestyle consultation is available to provide the most personalized program for each patient. Consultation starts at $75 for 1/2 hour plus any necessary lab work and supplements.
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Massage Therapy – First Visit is always $40 (usually $90)

A massage relaxes muscles, easing and soothing your aches and pains away. Massage rejuvenates, restores balance to the body, increases blood flow and calms the nerves. With this new found balance we are far better equipped to handle the stresses of modern living. Massage and manual therapy starts at $90/hour
Every patient deserves a customized massage. We offer a variety of massage therapies to choose from:

Massage Therapy Techniques

Swedish Massage is a soothing, flowing, relaxing massage. It is designed to reduce stress for overall relaxation by applying pressure to the muscles against the deeper muscles and bones. The therapist applies pressure in the same direction on the muscle, so the flow of blood returns to the heart. The goal is to aid the return of blood from the extremities, increase circulation, remove metabolic wastes, and stretch the ligaments and tendons in order to stimulate the nervous system and relax the body.
Deep Tissue Massage is a deep pressure massage designed to loosen muscle knots and reduce stress by breaking up muscle tightness, slowly working into the deep layers of muscle and to release congestion in the tissues. Deep tissue massage is not for everyone; discuss with your doctor whether it is an appropriate therapy for you.
Trigger Point Therapy is a Swedish massage; special attention is paid to very painful knots. The therapist locates and “releases” trigger points which are often areas where muscle tissue has been damaged. The goal is to reduce spasm and increase blood flow, which in turn deactivates the pain nerves. This procedure stops the spasm-pain cycle. This trigger point release can be painful for a few seconds, but relieves the cause of the pain, enhancing muscle pliability and increasing comfort.
Myofascial Release is a technique used to evaluate and release tense muscles that limit motion. The problems in the connective tissues and fascia (connective tissue that surrounds the muscle and connects it to the bones) cause the entire group of muscles to “stick” together — reducing their ability to move and stretch.
Manual Lymphatic Drainage Therapy is a very light massage technique designed for post-surgery swelling. It fosters the flow of lymphatic fluid with gentle rhythmical movements which speeds healing after any surgical procedure or certain injuries. For example, edema, a continuous swelling in a body part such as an ankle, can be treated through manual lymphatic drainage.
Sports Massage is an active and vigorous massage designed specifically for athletes. Typically, an athlete in training will request a sports massage to get the blood flowing, and prepare the muscles for athletic activity. The massage will both stimulate circulation and calm the body after the sporting event.
Sports Massage is an active and vigorous massage designed specifically for athletes. Typically, an athlete in training will request a sports massage to get the blood flowing, and prepare the muscles for athletic activity. The massage will both stimulate circulation and calm the body after the sporting event.
90 minute Massage in your home or office in Lake Mary, Longwood, Altamonte Springs or Maitland. Starting at $200/hour.
Photo courtesy of nipitphand by freedigitalphotos.net

Car Accident Treatments

Accepting all PI (Personal Injury) Auto Insurance. Please note as of January 1st, 2013, FL state no longer supports massage therapy for auto accident victims and you MUST present to a doctor within 14 days or lose ALL your benefits that you paid for. This law was passed in May 2012 under pressure from Governor Scott. This new law makes it more difficult to receive benefits from your Personal Injury Auto Insurance. There are already several cases pending challenging this law as unconstitutional. But, until they clear the courts, we will abide by all PIP rules and provide care to car accident victims based on need and coverage. All vehicle impact patients will receive full service medically necessary treatments based on scientific testing and prevailing laws. The purpose is to return the patient to normal function efficiently and carefully, with attention on health and maintaining excellent records for the presumption that they may be necessary in court. car accident auto accident “lake mary” longwood whiplash neck pain injury in car damage “altamonte springs” florida PIP auto insurance “payments for lost wages” “payments for medical treatments” “payments for medical” “payment for doctor” “payment for therapy” “payment for whiplash” “payment for auto damages”
Photo courtesy of stock images of freedigitalphotos.net

Spinal & Postural Screenings

Postural Screenings give important information about Your spinal health. Posture and spinal screenings by a trained and experienced chiropractor such as Dr. Johnson at Natural Wellness and Chiropractic, Inc, in Longwood can help reveal important health information giving the opportunity to correct any issues. In order to help the Longwood community, we provide free screenings at community events, health fairs, area malls, and places of employment. Contact us today at 407-716-6553 to schedule a screening today at your fair or workplace.
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