Helping Car Injured Individuals with an
experienced injury chiropractor

If you have been in a motor vehicle accident, you need treatment from an experienced injury chiropractor,
within 14 days, that accepts PI Auto Insurance.

No one expects to get into a car accident, nor are they happy about it, so why not make the best of a terrible situation and get the right support. You may be very stressed at this point because this car accident just ruined everything in seconds. I need for you to take a breather, it’s alright, you have made it through the worst part about the situation.

Our Process

Hang tight, we will get you through this.

Make sure you are safe – move your car if possible.
Take Pictures – On the spot to capture everything
Talk to witnesses – police will help collecting information
Call your insurance company – as soon as possible
See Your Doctor As Soon As Possible Book Online ​
Decide if you need an attorney – based upon your situation
First things first, you need to get to a safe place out of traffic so nothing else goes wrong and make sure no one is seriously injured. Then call the police so they can file the accident report and let it be known who was at fault for insurance purposes. It is also helpful to take pictures of the accident scene and get any witness’s information along with the other driver’s information while you wait for the police because it could be a while.
Something that no one looks forward to doing is calling their Insurance company to file a claim but at this moment that is what needs to happen. It may not seem as important to call at the scene of the accident but it saves stress down the line. While on the phone with them, let them know what happened and ask them for guidance.
Your next step is to make sure you’re covered if you have any injuries, so ask what your policy covers and if they recommend anyone. My advice is to try to see your doctor or a doctor in the next 72 hours even if you don’t feel injured. In Florida, you have 14 days to see a doctor before your insurer can deny your claim, so please make sure you go as soon as possible.


Dr.J.(Valerie) Johnson

Dr. Johnson has 19 years of experience helping victims of Motor Vehicle Injuries. All vehicle impact patients will receive full service medically necessary treatments (including, but not limited to: low force adjustments, medical massage therapy, physiotherapy and exercises designed for your specific injuries) based on scientific testing and prevailing laws.

The doctor works with local attorneys in Lake Mary, Longwood, Altamonte Springs, Casselberry, Winter Springs and Maitland to help patients protect their health and well-being.  The purpose is to return the patient to normal function efficiently and carefully, with attention on health and maintaining excellent records for the presumption that they may be necessary in court.

Accepting all PI (Personal Injury) Auto Insurance. Please note as of January 1st, 2013, FL state no longer supports massage therapy for motor vehicle accident victims and you MUST present to a doctor within 14 days or lose part of your benefits that you paid for. This law was passed in May 2012 under pressure from Governor Scott. This new law makes it more difficult to receive benefits from your Personal Injury Auto Insurance. There are already several cases pending challenging this law as unconstitutional, but until they clear the courts, we will abide by all PIP rules and provide care to car accident victims based on need and laws.

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I want to wait to see a Doctor, I don’t have any pain currently

A big mistake people make after a vehicle related injury, is in having what is called a delay in treatment. A delay in treatment is failing to see a physician as soon as possible. There are two reasons why this is a big mistake.

The most important reason is because you are putting your health at risk. The research shows that a 150 lb human being has no chance against a 4,000 lb car hitting their vehicle. The damage even in a very low speed accident (accidents at under 10 m.p.h.) can be severe for the neck and head.

The second reason this is a mistake is that you are reducing the amount of money that the insurance company is going to owe you as compensation. The insurance companies use a software program to evaluate claims and they offer the smaller amount possible. One of the ways the program determines how much to offer is how long the patient delayed treatments. Within 72 hours, the program justifies a larger settlement, after 72 hours, it begins reducing the offers. This is why certain accident victims will be offered a greatly reduced settlement.

The doctor you see must only be a doctor, an M.D, Osteopath, or Chiropractor, the insurance companies do not differentiate for the 72 hours limit. Any of these may conduct an intake for history, examination and diagnosis to satisfy the requirement.

If you do not have a family doctor, you can walk into an Urgent Care facility, call a chiropractor’s office (D.C.) and inquire if they take car accident insurance, or an Osteopathic doctor’s office (D.O.) and again inquire if they bill motor vehicle insurance. The only disadvantage to Urgent care is that they tend to only provide examinations and medications.

Some people might be reluctant to see a chiropractor because they think the chiropractor must “crack their spine” or perform adjustments only. In fact, many chiropractors won’t do spinal adjustments on the patient’s first visit. What they do perform is the history, physical exam and possibly taking x-rays, which is all you need at this point. Chiropractors are trained to perform the same physical examination as an M.D. The chiropractor just cannot prescribe prescription medications. If you cannot be seen by an M.D. or chiropractor, you can also go to a local hospital emergency room. In most areas there are hospitals which are designated as trauma centers.

They have to see you as a patient, even if you do not have health insurance or money to pay for treatment. For all of the above reasons, it is important you be seen by a physician soon after a vehicle accident. You are entitled to be examined, even if you are not feeling pain or discomfort and your insurance will pay their share of the cost. Physicians are trained to spot motor vehicle accident problems that you and I might not recognize.

let us help you get out this situation

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