The Ultimate Guide to Purification and getting your Energy back!
The purification system that I use takes just 3 weeks to boost the elimination of natural toxins from your body. As these toxins leave, people report feeling lighter and more energetic along with experiencing better sleep and weight loss!
This self-directed purification can be accomplished over time with step-by-step instructions that will be outlined here in the Purification Corner every month!
Step 15: Add walnuts and other nuts/seeds for purification
Walnuts are chock full of Omega 3 fatty acids and other nutrients like manganese, magnesium and vitamin B. They do have a lot of fat, so one small handful is recommended. But one small handful each day is a power boost for the brain! Try pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, flax seeds, almonds, brazil nuts, pecans, and pistachios as well. Walnuts are the best, but we all need a little variety!
Step 16: Add sweet potatoes or yams for better nutrition
Unlike white potatoes, these cousins have a broad range of nutrients and are packed with vitamins C and A. One small to medium sweet potato provides 4 times the vitamin A needed and since it is in it’s natural form, the body will only absorb what it needs. People with diabetes or pre-diabetes should limit these due to high glycemic index, but used to replace pasta or bread twice a week, it’s a great exchange.
And don’t be afraid to use a little butter with sweet potatoes, it will actually increase the bioavailability of the Vitamin A so it is easier to absorb.
Steps 13 and 14 Steps 17 and 18
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