You probably know that coffee seems to help wake you up in the morning—and afternoon, and sometimes in the evening, too. But did you know it might
Macular Degeneration – Is It Treatable?
Macular Degeneration - Is It Treatable? There is a silent epidemic of blindness which is gradually sweeping over aging Americans. This common
Medical Detective
The more I learn about medicine, the more I'm amazed at how people think nothing of taking several drugs, for the rest of their lives. When I was
Mistakes that Diabetics Make (It’s Not their Fault)
Magnesium and Chromium Studies suggest that magnesium influences the action of insulin in the body. A lack of magnesium may worsen insulin
Does Sleep Affect Your Efforts to Lose Weight?
The short answer is yes, although not directly. But researchers have found the connection between sleep deprivation and gaining weight. Often the
Beauty Secrets: Tips for Healthy Skin, Nails and Hair
In August, Dr. Johnson is starting a series of classes to help you with staying young-looking. This article will get you started with some helpful