Archives for December 11, 2014

What is Chiropractic?

Chiropractic is an ancient healing art derived from the Greek term for “hand practice.”  Chiropractors differ from other healthcare professionals


Dr. Johnson can help you live your optimum life by creating a plan for your mind, body and soul.  Wellness is making lifestyle choices for

Using cinnamon for Diabetes

Cinnamon is a spice commonly used in desserts and savory dishes. It is well know for it’s sweet and pungent taste and scent that reminds people of

The Benefits of Chiropractic Care

What are the Benefits of Chiropractic Care? Last month, the dangers/side effects of chiropractic were discussed; it is only fitting that the benefits

Sugarless gum – good or bad?

Do you like gum but worry about the sugar? If you have any gum bleeding when you floss or visit the dentist, there is good news: you can chew

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